On behalf of the children, parents, and other family members served, Thank you!

"This is priceless. It touches my children, unlike other means. Anytime they pick up a book they will remember that I took the time to care enough to read to them, together. Please continue to bring our kids a smile."
Father reading to two sons and two daughters.They have been apart for 4 years. 
“Reading Legacies is a powerful force of good within our community. They help people to make positive change in their lives, and by doing so, impact future generations. It is a privilege to help support this worthwhile organization.”
Kathy PadillaContent Delivery Manager, Elsevier Inc. 
“The McBeth Foundation acts from both the heart and the head. Reading Legacies has demonstrated that it’s a good steward of donor money and there is an imminent need for your mission in our community and for the good work it provides to individuals and families. Our Foundation trusts your organization and respects the direct impact it has had on its constituents. The McBeth Foundation wishes to be associated with Reading Legacies and the emotional impact and personal connection it has established with those in need. Continued success in your endeavors.”
Norm TimminsGrant Committee Member, The McBeth Foundation 
“Ted and Audrey Geisel both supported ways to encourage literacy. Taking the time to read a story to a child at bedtime. Finding a way for a parent and child to share some time with each other. You at Reading Legacies are promoting that connection and we feel you are doing a wonderful job.”
Claudia Prescott President, The Dr. Seuss Foundation 
Reading Legacies is a 501(c)(3), nonprofit, public benefit organization supported by gifts and grants from individuals, corporations, foundations, civic groups and service organizations.
2019 Donors
$25,000 - $49,999
- McBeth Foundation
$10,000 - $24,999
- Dr. Seuss Fund at The San Diego Foundation
- Hervey Family Non-Endowment Fund at The San Diego Foundation
- Julianne Moore
- Reed Elsevier
$5,000 - $9,999
- Dr. & Mrs. Charles Q. Carter
- Cushman Foundation
- Goodwin Family Memorial Trust
- Hand to Hand A Fund of the Coastal Community Foundation
- Henry W. Bull Foundation
- Ms. Joan Burch Luhrsen
- Nordson Corporation Foundation
- Samuel H. French III & Katherine Weaver French Fund
- Union Bank
- Vital Spark Foundation
- Wells Fargo Foundation
- Mr. R.B. Woolley, Jr.
$2,500 - $4,999
- Boys and Girls Foundation
- C.J. & Dot Stafford Memorial Trust
- In-N-Out Burger Foundation
- Lawyers Club of San Diego Fund For Justice at The San Diego Foundation
- Samuel I. and John Henry Fox Foundation
- The Sence Foundation
$1,000 - $2,499
- Pratt Memorial Fund
- Dr. Lynnette Beall (In honor of Carolyn Colwell)
- Dr. & Mrs. Clifford W. Colwell
- Solera Desert Mountain Bible Fellowship
- The Country Friends, Inc.
- Girard Foundation- Discretionary Fund of Mr. Robert Schroeder
- Guilford Whitney Foundation Fund at The San Diego Foundation
- Las Primeras
- Ms. Cheryl Carter King
- Michael P. Orlando Charitable Endowment at The San Diego Foundation
- CAPT & Mrs. Tom Mitchell
- Price Philanthropies Foundation at the discretion of Julie Nguyen
- Dr. and Mrs. Andrew W. Reiss
- Soroptimist International of Coronado
- Swinton Family Fund at the Rancho Santa Fe Foundation
- Guilford Whitney Foundation Fund at The San Diego Foundation
- Las Primeras
- Ms. Cheryl Carter King
- Michael P. Orlando Charitable Endowment at The San Diego Foundation
- CAPT & Mrs. Tom Mitchell
- Price Philanthropies Foundation at the discretion of Julie Nguyen
- Dr. and Mrs. Andrew W. Reiss
- Soroptimist International of Coronado
- Swinton Family Fund at the Rancho Santa Fe Foundation
$500 - $999
- Dr. & Mrs. James P. Blasingame
- Mr. Charles M. Charman
- Community Service Associations - San Diego Unified School District
- CDR. Michael J. Dobbs USN (Ret.)
- The GoodCoin Foundation on behalf of L'Oreal (Paris)
- Ms. Anne E. Kebisek Dudek
- VADM & Mrs. Conrad Lautenbacher, Jr.
- Loeffler Law
- Dr. & Mrs. William C. Mohlenbrock
- First Citizens Bank
- Ms. Dianne Sparks
- Mr. Cecil H. Steppe
- Mr. & Mrs. Paul A. Williams
- Mr. Lee E. Winslett
$100 to $499
- Mr. & Mrs. Alfred Anthony Albers
- Ms. Joan Bernstein
- Drs. Daniel A. Green and Ulrika Birgersdotter-Green
- Ms. Theresa Boudreau
- Ms. Mary Ellen Breen
- Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Brown
- Capt. Richard L. Brummage, USN (Ret.)
- Ms. Donna M. Cameron
- Ms. Cheryl Carroll
- Ms. Molly Biehl Corbin
- The Savvy Sauce
- Ms. Rachel Flamholz & Mr. Duane Johnson
- Ms. Lucile Fleming
- Mr. and Mrs. W. Neil Fox, Jr.
- Mr. Henry E. Hallmark
- Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Harvey
- Mr. & Mrs. David S. Herrington
- Ms. Marla Hess
- Drs. Frank and Nancy Hogan
- Dr. & Mrs. E. Woodrow Hunt
- Dr. & Mrs. Jeffrey M. Javelet
- Mr. Jay W. Jeffcoat
- Ms. Alta Kisselburgh
- Mr. & Mrs. Brian Mooney
- Ms. Chris Lynch Muecke
- Capt. Thomas C. Pinard , USN (Ret.)
- Mr. Ernest Pund
- Ms. Jane H. Rader
- Mr. & Mrs. Richard M. Radosh
- Mr. & Mrs. Keith Sherwood
- Mr. & Mrs. Edgar F. Raines (In memory of Herman and Clara Dean Mohlenbrock, Ed’s maternal grandparents)
- Mr. & Mrs. John L. Stephan
- CAPT Craig Turley & CAPT Lori F. Turley
- Mr. & Mrs. Steven Van Houten
- Col. Marianne S. Waldrop, USMC (Ret), Ph.D.
- Dr. & Mrs. Robert T. Willis
- Mr. & Mrs. Brian Mooney
- Ms. Chris Lynch Muecke
- Capt. Thomas C. Pinard , USN (Ret.)
- Mr. Ernest Pund
- Gov. & Mrs. Pete Wilson
- Capt. & Mrs. Herb Zoehrer
Up to $99
- Mr. & Mrs. Gary D. Aden
- Mr. Alan Ziter
- Dr. & Mrs. Peter Barcia
- Mr. & Mrs. William Barsz
- Ms. Cate Burke (In honor of Terrie Teegarden)
- Charity On Top Foundation
- Ms. Jean Feller (In memory of Lt. Cdr. Donald S. Stebbins)
- Mr. & Mrs. Derek Gomez
- Ms. Kem Graham
- Ms. Linda D. Love
- Mr. & Mrs. Kris Luhrsen
- Mr. Eric Manese
- Mr. & Mrs. Richard Marcotte
- Mr. & Mrs. Scott C. Parrish
- Ms. Judith Ramseier
- Mr. William H. Schofield
- Ms. Nancy Stoke
- Mr. & Mrs. Ralph W. Stone
- Mr. John Turley
- Mr. Shaun Wiley
- Ms. Shirley Wilson
In-Kind Donors
- Dr. Paul E. Dougherty
- CDR Michael Dobbs, USN (Ret.)
- Elsevier
- Mr. Max Folkers
- Friends of Children United Society (FOCUS)
- Ms. K.J. Koljonen
- Eric G. Manese
- San Diego Council on Literacy
- Ms. Diane Van Lue
- Col. Marianne S. Waldrop, USMC (Ret), Ph.D.
- Wells Fargo Bank
Stephen R. Lewis, M. D. Legacy Fund Donors (2010 - 2019)
- Mrs. Louis E. Aenchbacher
- Mr. & Mrs. Carl W. Bailey
- CareFusion Foundation at The San Diego Foundation
- Cardinal Health Foundation
- Dr. & Mrs. Charles Q. Carter
- Mr. & Mrs. Royce J. Carter
- Mr. & Mrs. Royce J. Carter (with Mrs. J. T. Carter, Mr. & Mrs. Bobby Jordan., Ms. Jan Jordan, Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Carter, and Mr. & Mrs. Gregory Carter)
- Mr. Terry Carter
- Mr. Dan T. Cathy
- The Dan T. Cathy Charitable Fund at The National Christian Foundation
- The Chick-fil-A, Inc. Giving Fund at The National Christian Foundation
- The Bubba & Cindy Cathy Charitable Fund at the Nat'l Christian Foundation
- Mr. & Mrs. S. Truett Cathy
- Mr. & Mrs. Tom Cooney
- Dr. Brad Bjornstad & Dr. Kathy Corrigan
- Rev. & Mrs. Lewis E. Dawson
- Mr. Kenneth Donahue & Ms. Susan Aenchbacher
- Mr. & Mrs. Nat Findlay
- Georgia Baptist Health Care Ministry Foundation
- Golden Crest Senior Living Communities
- Mr. & Mrs. Larry E. Hanan
- Mr. J. Fraser Himes
- Mr. & Mrs. William Hodges
- Institute for Safe Medication Practices
- Mr. Vivek Jain & Ms. Wendy Van Gastel
- Mr. & Mrs. C.A. Johnson
- Ms. Cheryl Carter King
- Cheryl Carter King Family Foundation
- Dr. & Mrs. John H. Kleinman
- Mr. & Mrs. Charles A. Krivenko
- Mr. & Mrs. Gordon LaFortune
- Ms. Janet Love
- Mr. and Mrs. Travis McGinnis
- Dr. & Mrs. William C. Mohlenbrock
- Dr. & Mrs. William C. Mohlenbrock
- Dr. & Mrs. Abner G. Moore
- Mr. & Mrs. Richard J. Pajot
- Ms. Carol Queen
- Mr. & Mrs. David Ramsey
- Smith & Nephew
- Mr. & Mrs. Mark F. Stauffer
- The Charles Q. and Margaret W. Carter Fund at The National Christian Foundation
- Dr. & Mrs. John S. Wade

Lifetime Donors
Donors who have contributed $10,000 or more in their lifetimes are listed with their lifetime giving.
$50,000 - $99,999
- Reed Elsevier
- Girard Foundation - Discretionary Fund of Mr. Buzz Woolley
$25,000 - $49,999
- Dr. & Mrs. Charles Q. Carter
- C.J. & Dot Stafford Memorial Trust
- Cushman Foundation
- Dr. Seuss Fund at The San Diego Foundation
- Hervey Family Non-Endowment Fund at The San Diego Foundation
- McBeth Foundation
- McCarthy Family Foundation
- Ms. Betty Mohlenbrock (In-Kind)
- Johnson Family Foundation Fund at The National Christian Foundation California
- Nordson Corporation Foundation
- Parker Foundation
- Sudberry Properties (In-Kind)
- S. Mark Taper Foundation
- The Anthony Robbins Foundation (TARF)
- Wintemute Family Foundation
$10,000 - $24,999
- Allan and Lyndsey Arendsee Family Foundation
- CareFusion Foundation at The San Diego Foundation
- Boys and Girls Foundation
- The Chick-fil-A, Inc. Giving Fund at The National Christian Foundation
- Dr. Seuss Foundation
- Fieldstone Foundation
- Friends of Children United Society (FOCUS) (In-Kind)
- Hand to Hand A Fund of the Coastal Community Foundation
- Mr. & Mrs. William Hodges
- Insperity
- JCFSD-Weingart Grants Program Fund
- Mr. Alexander G. Kelley
- Mr. and Mrs. Alex Kelley
- Cheryl Carter King Family Foundation
- Lawyers Club of San Diego Fund For Justice at The San Diego Foundation
- Ms. Joan Burch Luhrsen
- Mr.& Mrs. Paul Luhrsen
- Julianne Moore
- Points of Light Foundation/L'Oreal Women of Worth 2018
- Price Philanthropies Foundation
- Ralph M. Parsons Foundation – Directors Grants Program on behalf of Gayle Wilson
- Samuel H. French III & Katherine Weaver French Fund
- Swinton Family Fund at the Rancho Santa Fe Foundation
- The Charles Q. and Margaret W. Carter Fund at The National Christian Foundation
- Union Bank
- Weingart Foundation
- Wells Fargo Foundation
- The Woolley Fund at the San Diego Foundation
- Mr. R.B. Woolley, Jr.