Our Core Values

1. We value intergenerational social interaction as an opportunity to share cultural heritage and values.
2. We value children and youth as powerful, important resources for the future of any community.
3. We value reading aloud as an effective medium to build relationships and develop an interest in reading.
4. We value service to others as a powerful method for personal growth and an increase in self-worth.
5. We value our relationship with our community and our country as a public trust by providing services with the highest integrity and sound business practices.
We Believe Children Deserve
To Be read To On a Daily Basis

We've seen time and again how children develop a love for reading when loved ones take the time to sit down and share a story with them. Those special moments have the power to impact children for the rest of their lives.

We offer several opportunities for families learn new tools and techniques to instill the habit of reading aloud with children. You can get involved by volunteering with Reading Legacies to help us achieve this important goal.

Reading to a child for just 5 minutes a day can dramatically increase their educational and emotional success as they grow. Bonding through reading not only helps children to feel supported and loved, but can can also increase rates of early childhood literacy.